So I gave Riley a week off after his horrible ride. I kind of figured that I pushed him to hard, to fast. So I took a step back and let him relax. Yesterday I went to the barn not expecting to much out of him. I wanted to do mostly lunging and working him with the side reins. He has this issue of putting his head up as high as his Pleasure self can to avoid the bit. He actually did pretty well. He was a little pissy when I asked him to canter cause he couldn't throw up his head up, but he didn't do anything bad, he's not a real bucker on the lunge.
His canter going clock wise is coming along so well on the lunge! When I first got him he would trip and almost fall onto his face when going into the canter. Now he's nice and slow and smooth, makes me really jealous that I'm not on him!! ha ha.
I got on him and we just walked around, working on lifting his shoulders and rounding him around my leg. I wasn't to worried about where his head was, as long as he was giving to the right, and left I was happy. The aim for this ride was for no bucking. Every time he stopped and I asked him to move forward he would swish his tail and stomp his back leg but I would just swing his head to the side and push his hip over and he would go forward. The more I did that the less and less I got attitude. He actually went into a trot and I let him. We did a full lap and I let him walk and ended the ride there, on a good note. I wasn't aiming for the trot, but if he felt like he could do it then why stop him? Hey no bucking and thats what I was aiming for.
Going out later today to ride him. My trainer wont be there which makes me a little nervous because shes always pushing me and she makes me confident for some reason lol. Maybe I'll drag my boyfriend along?! haha I'm sure he'd LOVE that.

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