I don't know if I want to allow stallions at my boarding barn, if not then I'd want that barn turned into more pasture space.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day Thirteen: A picture of your worst riding
Pretty much whenever I rode before I met my current trainer :P She helped me leaps and bounds when it comes to riding correctly and having the horse work correctly.
Sioux, a older TWH mare who was very very stiff, If I had her know I'd diffidently know what I would need to do to help her get more flexible.
Day Eleven: Find a sale horse online that you want to bu
OH boy, don't get me started! haha I look at sales horses ALLL the time.
Western Pleasure
English Pleasure
Day Ten: How does your family and friends feel about your riding?

My mom LOVESSSSSS spoiling my horse. And he's starting to release that when shes at the barn hes going to get some sort of treat. But shes TERRIFIED of horses haha. My Dad doesn't really care and never really asks about our rides and what not. But he likes to listen when I tell him stories about it. And my brother thinks horses smell. So pretty much I'm the only horse-y person in my family lol.
Day Nine: Any injuries you’ve gotten from riding
I've fallen off many many times, but never really got any major injuries. I've fallen off while ridding saddle seat and pinched a nerve in my back and couldn't move for a week. THAT hurt. ha ha I never broke anything or sprained anything.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My future business [:
When I'm ready to branch out on my own, (which wont be for a while of course) I wan't to train and show the Buckskin circuit. I love, love, love duns, grullas, buckskins. So Riley my first IBHA, ABHA, horse to start my own training name!
I think once I finish Riley I'm going to get another project horse. I don't ever see myself owning a stud. I just don't get along with studs, and I think there just to much for me.
This is the most random post lol but this all I can think of right now [:
Day 8 - All the tack and riding clothes you have (brand/color/other details)
I don't really have anything "fancy" so I'm not going to post about this one lol.
Riley got adjusted by my equine chiropractor yesterday and he loved loved loved it. She was stretching his front leg and seriously fell asleep and wouldn't take his leg back. lol I seriously love that goofy horse. He's getting today off but is back to regular work tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day Seven: Your best ribbon
My first serious show season was last year, so I don't have many ribbons in my collection. The ribbon I'm most proud of would have to be 3rd in western pleasure out of about 15 on clue. I almost cried, and my trainer was so shocked haha.
Hopefully I get better stories to my ribbons this year.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Day Six: Your most accomplished horse

I would have to say that It would be Riley. I pulled him out of his stall, where he sat for most of his life and the same day had him (almost) lunging. From that day we only excelled. Had him saddle broke within days and started ridding him within the week. He is the best baby for me to have started for my first time. He is so mellow and takes everything as is. He has his moments were he likes to protest but thats just the baby in him. I am so proud to call him mine, and to be able to stay that I started him on my own, walk, trot, canter. Makes me even prouder to see my friends hoping on him and being able to ride him w/t/c without to much of a fuss. I'm hoping I get to show him off this year at a couple of shows.
Day Five: The last time you rode your horse and what you did

The last time I rode Mr. Riley would be Friday, we rode western (haven't gotten the guts to put the English saddle on for the first time yet haha.) We are working a lot on hip control. He's starting to build more muscle, his top line is starting to fill out, and he's actually starting to look like a horse then a baby. lol Here's a really really crappy picture off my phone from a couple of weeks ago.
Day Four- A Horse that impacted your life the most

I would have to say that Clue AKA "Doesn't Have A Clue" 16hh 13 year old gelding impacted my life the most. He's taught me everything I know today that helped me start my first 3 year old. He's made me the rider I am today. I was the only one to ride and show him all last year and we were pretty successful. I am so proud of him. He is know teaching one of my best friends, I hop on him every once in a while and it makes me miss him so much more.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Day Three - A Picture of your best riding.
A little update- Finally finished clipping Riley, holy butt I will NEVER clip a horse ever again after him haha. He's starting to come together really well at the jog! Working A LOT on getting control over his shoulders/hips. He's very stiff going to the left, he's starting to soften a bit but I think I'm going to have to get him adjusted by my equine chiropractor.
I don't really have a lot of pictures of me riding, but heres one of my last show season, that winter I honestly didn't know a thing about English, could barely stay in the saddle. I worked my butt off to get myself able to stay in an English saddle without losing my seat. I still have A LONG ways to go but I've diffidently improved.
(minus my toe/heal I really LOVE this picture)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Day Two - A Picture of Your Horse
The moment I saw his face I fell in love.
He has the cutest expressions, and has the sweetest personality.
He gets bright red in the summer [:
Favorite, wish it wasn't so dark..
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
30 day horse challenge [: - Day One
Day One- A Picture of you and your horse.
The day I bought him [: Excuse how I look, it was hot and just got done working other horses. He looks very studly in this picture. lol
Taken yesterday, Rileys new bestie. They just don't know it yet haha
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Back from the fair!
Oh boy oh boy, the fair was so fun! It was cold/windy/snowy then warm haha. I spent WAYYYYY WAY WWAY WAY WAYWAY to much money.
I got a new show halter, wp bridle, 2 O rings, turtle bridle bag, turtle show sheet, turtle polos (lolol) really nice clippers, a new wp show shirt, lunge whip, an english show shirt thing (just the color and front?), orange rope halter, protective wp pad, wp blanket(black) and some supplements.
Overall it was a veryyy good weekend. But I missed my baby wayy to much. So now I'm going to go and try everything out on him[:
I'll take lots of pictures!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Midwest horse fair
So I'm sitting here anxiously waiting for 7pm to get here so we can get going to Madison for Midwest Horse Fair!!! I'm going to be there all weekend, SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING!!! [:
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
1 month
So Rileys had a month under saddle, with one or two days off a week. And hes actually coming along really nicely, we've been doing a lot of circles. He's actually starting to collect up and slow down, he's still a little fidgety with his head set, but its coming along slowly. He gives to pressure which is always a good thing, now just keeping him there. I'm starting to teach him how to back up with just leg, which he doesn't get at all, ha ha but hes back ups aren't sluggish anymore. I love his "Ho" button, he stops with just my voice.
Showmanship is actually starting to click for both of us. His starting to stop better, but still needs work (any ideas to get his stop better? He takes like one or two walk steps before he stops) his trot offs are nice, could be speeder. His back ups are nice and speedy if he's awake and paying attention, he's starting to get how to set up, and he's actually starting to pivot on his right hind, and reach across with his left. Which is good.
Amazing what you can accomplish in such a short time. Walk / trot classes aren't too far from our reach. And you know what I'm going to be DAMN PROUD of him if he makes it to a show or two this year, even if its just w/t. Screw all the haters that like to talk shit about him. We're actually coming along really well for him being my first horse ever to fully start/train myself, with limited help from my trainer. [:
Pictures of the love bug coming up later tonight!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Road trip!
I worked Riley in the arena, we worked a lot going counter clock wise cause hes so stiff, he gives and doesn't drop his shoulder going clock wise. So we did a lot of circles going to the left.
Took him on a trail ride down the road with my friend Charlotte and her 24 year old NSH mare and Katie and Champ a 2 year old quarter horse gelding. This was Rileys very first time being ridden outside. There were hills, ditches, terrain changes, fly cars, puddles. He handled it so well!! There were occasions where he would tuck his butt in when cars flew by, or would kind of hesitate to change terrain's but other then that he was so good! Oh and so was champ! I love our babies <3
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I've been riding Riley consistently for 3 weeks now. Rode him today, circles, circles, circles are our best friend, oh and serpentines too. The kicking out is over finally. He's starting to move forward willingly now, about time!
Also worked on showmanship, he's starting to get backing up, and setting. He sucks at stopping when I stop, but we're working on that. He's starting to get a pivot but he pivots on his left foot instead of his right, anyone have any clue how I can fix it? He's planting the left foot pretty nicely and crosses over in the front well. He's the first horse I'm teaching to do showmanship so I have no clue how to fix it.
There's two shows in May that I'm hoping to get Riley too, just for the walk/trot classes. I'm not completely sure if that's possible, but the way we're heading it's not to far out of reach.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
So Mr. Riley Pants had some visitors today! livininfastforward's mommy and pc peppi 1126's mommy. They both rode him and he actually did pretty well for them. I think he's finally getting over his attitude. He still swishes his tail and looks pissy but I think the kicking out is finally going away! Yay for progress! Going out tomorrow to ride him. I've actually been riding him consistently, hopefully we starts to develop some muscle! He's so wimpy right now.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Late night ride.
I rode Mr. Riley Pants today after work around 7. I had my best friends come out, who haven't seen Riley in FOREVER.
I lunged him for like 2 seconds then got on. This time I didn't turn him around in the circle when he stopped going forward, instead I just bumping him with my spurs till he moved. I had to "school" him twice for kicking out, but after that it was smooth sailing. He did stop once in a while but I just put my leg on him and asked him to trot and he went right to it. So we had a very successful day today.
My friends taking FOREVER with the picturesss... I hate waitingggg blahhh :P
Ok. I don't know whats with the face but rileys sooo soo cute [:
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Big step forward.
I marched into the barn determined to set my nerves aside and not let Riley get away with his naughty-ness.
I lunged him for a couple of minutes, then got on. I let him free walk to warm him up, then gathered his face. He stopped and swished his tail and I turned him around both directions then asked him to go forward. Every time he stopped I would turn him around. It took a good 10 minutes before he started to realize that walking forward willingly was better then turning in a tight circle. When I asked him to trot he would take a couple of steps and stop. So I turned him again and asked again, and off he went. After that we didn't have any issues going both directions. And I felt 100% confident in my riding today. Which is a big plus.
Showmanship was very eventful too. We worked on having him stop straight, and setting him up. He actually started doing it on his own, which is awesome. With some more work he should have setting up and stopping down pat. Now his back up.. ha he doesn't have a back up. So my trainer took him and had a little "talk" with him. When I got him back, he back with little encouragement.
While my trainer was working him, I had a chance to see him from afar being worked, and he looks like CRAP he has no top line or muscle, but with consistency in his work he'll start to develop into his body. This is the second "real" week of actual work since I got him.
Pictures are from yesterdays ride [: He's very confident in his pink polos haha. (sorry these pictures suck but there all off my phone, my cameras broken :[ )

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
So I'm a big pansy. I don't know why, I'm having this issue getting Mr. Riley Pants into the trot. I'll ask him to trot, then he would just stop and swish his tail. Nothing naughty but I just can't seem to push him forward. I'm thinking its just nerves for me. He's my first horse that I've ever broke myself. Theres a lot riding on him, proving that I'm a good rider, hoping to show him this summer, etc. I've ridden green horses but they weren't ever my own but idk. I'm so confused with myself. I had a friend of mine come in the middle with a lunge whip to help get him into the trot cause I wanted to trot during our ride. He didn't hesitate once when I asked and she asked. So I'm 95% it's just me and my nerves. What do you guys think?
And how often do you ride your babies? He just turned 4. I started him as a late 3 year old and gave him time off when he started growing earlier this year. I want to ride him tomorrow but that'll be the 3rd day in a row and I don't know if I should ride him or not..
Good Day
So I gave Riley a week off after his horrible ride. I kind of figured that I pushed him to hard, to fast. So I took a step back and let him relax. Yesterday I went to the barn not expecting to much out of him. I wanted to do mostly lunging and working him with the side reins. He has this issue of putting his head up as high as his Pleasure self can to avoid the bit. He actually did pretty well. He was a little pissy when I asked him to canter cause he couldn't throw up his head up, but he didn't do anything bad, he's not a real bucker on the lunge.
His canter going clock wise is coming along so well on the lunge! When I first got him he would trip and almost fall onto his face when going into the canter. Now he's nice and slow and smooth, makes me really jealous that I'm not on him!! ha ha.
I got on him and we just walked around, working on lifting his shoulders and rounding him around my leg. I wasn't to worried about where his head was, as long as he was giving to the right, and left I was happy. The aim for this ride was for no bucking. Every time he stopped and I asked him to move forward he would swish his tail and stomp his back leg but I would just swing his head to the side and push his hip over and he would go forward. The more I did that the less and less I got attitude. He actually went into a trot and I let him. We did a full lap and I let him walk and ended the ride there, on a good note. I wasn't aiming for the trot, but if he felt like he could do it then why stop him? Hey no bucking and thats what I was aiming for.
Going out later today to ride him. My trainer wont be there which makes me a little nervous because shes always pushing me and she makes me confident for some reason lol. Maybe I'll drag my boyfriend along?! haha I'm sure he'd LOVE that.

Friday, March 18, 2011
Didn't ride.
Didn't ride mr. naughty today, thought it would be good for him to have the day off, he's also getting tomorrow off due to work :/
But I did ride Clue, my 16.1hh AQHA gelding(not really mine but I say he is [: ) for a mini clinic for little 4h kids. Pretty cute how most of them didn't know anything about reining. I showed off our HUS skills, my trainer reined, and a friend of mine, mel did WP.
Overall it went pretty well, we might have gotten a couple of riders. Whats really weird is the week before they went to my old old old barn where I rode saddleseat, gosh and I thought that guy out of town!
But I did ride Clue, my 16.1hh AQHA gelding(not really mine but I say he is [: ) for a mini clinic for little 4h kids. Pretty cute how most of them didn't know anything about reining. I showed off our HUS skills, my trainer reined, and a friend of mine, mel did WP.
Overall it went pretty well, we might have gotten a couple of riders. Whats really weird is the week before they went to my old old old barn where I rode saddleseat, gosh and I thought that guy out of town!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Fell off the cloud.
So Mr. Riley pants found his naughty button today.
Lunged him for a couple of minutes then got on. The moment I got on him he started swishing his tail, but other then that we had a pretty good ride at the beginning. He kept stopping at the jog but I got him going again with no problem, tried cantering him and that's when it went all down hill. He kicked out a little, but then moved forward. He stopped for some reason and wouldn't moved up so I whacked him in the butt and that's when he kind of just exploded. He doesn't "buck" he just kicks straight out, multiple times, rapidly. I'm not to worried about losing my seat, but boy does he have some power!
He was just being a complete ass! I didn't do ANYTHING, no feet, no rein but just trying to cluck him forward and he just kept kicking out. His last "buck" was a pretty good actual buck that made me lose my stirrup but I stayed on. After he finished with his tantrum I got off and lunged the SHIT out of him.
I understand this was the Fourth day straight riding him,and actually working. He could have just been tired and crabby. But he needs to understand that is not how we're going to handle things. Or he could be in some kind of pain, I'm giving him Friday and the weekend off to re-coop, and see how he does on Monday. If he's still bucking I'm going to have my Chiropractor check him out.
I'm hoping that he's just a child that gets a new toy and plays with it like crazy for a few days then loses interest. [;
So I want to have some goals for both Riley and I for this show season.
- Get more confident in an english saddle.
- Steady my legs.
- Ride 4+ times a week.
- Work on as many horses as possible.
- Work on lifting Rileys shoulders
- Steady him at the jog
- Work more on his lope
- Softening him in the bridle
- Get him to his first show, weather is just walk/ trot or walk/trot/canter.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Cloud 9
So Riley suffers from a mild case of contracted tendons. I started him on SmartPak SmartTendon (love, love, love it. Highly recommend) and had my vet come out to give me her opinion and she suggested corrective shoes for a couple of months and it should fix its self!
It blows my mind how simple of a fix it is! I would freak out every time something abnormal happens to his legs. Now I can just put shoes on him and semi relax on that issue. Which is good, cause I'm only 19 and I swear this horse is going to give me a frigging heart attack or something! haha
After getting the OK for riding from the vet I started his work out schedule Monday, with light trotting, mostly working on getting control over his shoulders and hip. Riley's big issue is dropping his shoulder. He just does not keep it up when I'm on him. Worked a lot on circles, circles, circles, and switching directions. Did the same thing on Tuesday.
Today I got on him and really worked on getting his shoulders and balanced. The moment he starts dropping his shoulder, and/or losing his balance his jog gets really bouncy and unbelievably hard to sit. My butt is seriously bruised from riding him the last couple of days but hes getting better. I was able to sit without bouncing all over the place. lol Anyways, I also worked on getting him to soften in the face, he was NOT having any of it though, he tries so hard to be naughty with his little bucks/ kicks, and trying to bite my foot but he just doesn't have it in him. haha He was finally starting to get it though towards the end of the ride.
My trainer was watching me ride and convinced me to try to canter him. Her logic was "Whats the worse hes going to do? Not canter?" which is true, cause Riley's really not big on bucking, not even on the lunge line. He bucked once when we first trotted him ever, then today due to me whacking him pretty hard cause he was not moving forward. So I took a deep breath and asked for a canter going clock wise (his better direction) it probably took us 5 times around the arena at a trot to finally break into the canter, and OH MY GOD! is he smooth!! compared to his bumpy ass trot I thought his canter would have been worse! But nope nice smooth rocking horse canter that I LOVE! Did like two laps hoed him, then tried counter clock wise. Think it took us 1 round to get him into the canter, stopped him then got off.
My body parts were like jello, I was so excited/happy/thrilled/relieved all in one. I just kept thinking, I broke this horse myself and I'm the first ever to canter on him. It's a great, great feeling. I could not love that horse ANYMORE then I do right now. Maybe canter classes wont be to out of reach after all?
On a side note.. My friends Appy gelding pretty much lost his whole tail due to her pretty much wrapping it all winter, granted she didn't have it wrapped EVERY SINGLE DAY of winter, just the mojority. She has a horse show this weekend. Ugh this is why I do not wrap tails, I just braid. ]:
It blows my mind how simple of a fix it is! I would freak out every time something abnormal happens to his legs. Now I can just put shoes on him and semi relax on that issue. Which is good, cause I'm only 19 and I swear this horse is going to give me a frigging heart attack or something! haha
After getting the OK for riding from the vet I started his work out schedule Monday, with light trotting, mostly working on getting control over his shoulders and hip. Riley's big issue is dropping his shoulder. He just does not keep it up when I'm on him. Worked a lot on circles, circles, circles, and switching directions. Did the same thing on Tuesday.
Today I got on him and really worked on getting his shoulders and balanced. The moment he starts dropping his shoulder, and/or losing his balance his jog gets really bouncy and unbelievably hard to sit. My butt is seriously bruised from riding him the last couple of days but hes getting better. I was able to sit without bouncing all over the place. lol Anyways, I also worked on getting him to soften in the face, he was NOT having any of it though, he tries so hard to be naughty with his little bucks/ kicks, and trying to bite my foot but he just doesn't have it in him. haha He was finally starting to get it though towards the end of the ride.
My trainer was watching me ride and convinced me to try to canter him. Her logic was "Whats the worse hes going to do? Not canter?" which is true, cause Riley's really not big on bucking, not even on the lunge line. He bucked once when we first trotted him ever, then today due to me whacking him pretty hard cause he was not moving forward. So I took a deep breath and asked for a canter going clock wise (his better direction) it probably took us 5 times around the arena at a trot to finally break into the canter, and OH MY GOD! is he smooth!! compared to his bumpy ass trot I thought his canter would have been worse! But nope nice smooth rocking horse canter that I LOVE! Did like two laps hoed him, then tried counter clock wise. Think it took us 1 round to get him into the canter, stopped him then got off.
My body parts were like jello, I was so excited/happy/thrilled/relieved all in one. I just kept thinking, I broke this horse myself and I'm the first ever to canter on him. It's a great, great feeling. I could not love that horse ANYMORE then I do right now. Maybe canter classes wont be to out of reach after all?
On a side note.. My friends Appy gelding pretty much lost his whole tail due to her pretty much wrapping it all winter, granted she didn't have it wrapped EVERY SINGLE DAY of winter, just the mojority. She has a horse show this weekend. Ugh this is why I do not wrap tails, I just braid. ]:
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Riley pants is currently off work due to him growing and his tendons deciding that they want to "contract" (again). But we changed his diet, and my chiropractor said it was very mild. The vets coming out at the end of the month so I'll have them check him out if he doesn't get any better. Poor boy has to go through this for a second time in his life.
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