Rileys had a month under saddle, with one or two days off a week. And hes actually coming along really nicely, we've been doing a lot of circles. He's actually starting to collect up and slow down, he's still a little fidgety with his head set, but its coming along slowly. He gives to pressure which is always a good thing, now just keeping him there. I'm starting to teach him how to back up with just leg, which he doesn't get at all, ha ha but hes back ups aren't sluggish anymore. I love his "Ho" button, he stops with just my voice.
Showmanship is actually starting to click for both of us. His starting to stop better, but still needs work (any ideas to get his stop better? He takes like one or two walk steps before he stops) his trot offs are nice, could be speeder. His back ups are nice and speedy if he's awake and paying attention, he's starting to get how to set up, and he's actually starting to pivot on his right hind, and reach across with his left. Which is good.
Amazing what you can accomplish in such a short time. Walk / trot classes aren't too far from our reach. And you know what I'm going to be DAMN PROUD of him if he makes it to a show or two this year, even if its just w/t. Screw all the haters that like to talk shit about him. We're actually coming along really well for him being my first horse ever to fully start/train myself, with limited help from my trainer. [:
Pictures of the love bug coming up later tonight!